lushentic grade replica bags 2025-03-18 06:15:50 8

DRESSY CHANEL GO OUT quilted bag in black enamel with chain handles. Pretty model in great size,🌹🌹🌹amal clooney hermes bag gold tone hardware, two separate compartments inside.

Preowned but in great shape with only few minor flaws and all shown in photos. On both sides there is small cracks on edge and there is a little rebound lining on flap part. Not visible from outside and possibly may be fixed by specialist. See photos, flaws are shown. Clean inside, no rubs on corners,no visible scratches,no stains.

This model in different color posted in other sellers closet for over 8k, so my price is fair for retail value and current condition .

Will be shipped in nice off market dust bag with authenticity card.




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